Updated Fireplace (without the TV)

Redoing our fireplace surround has been and still is my very favorite project. This fireplace has seen a lot of style changes in four short years.

Putting the television on it, however, was not my favorite thing. I’ve been wanting to relocate our TV for a variety of reasons. Logistically, we rarely turn it on so I’m not sure why it got to take up such precious real-estate. More importantly, I don’t love having a TV take center stage. I want coffee tables, family games, music, conversation, and family-time to hold that spot. Now, don’t get me wrong - a good family movie is always a top pick but that’s what we have the rec room for.

In a fit of craze, I took the TV down and put it on a smaller wall in our living room. I’ll now have to rearrange our entire living room but one thing at a time, ok?

Mantel “must-haves”

Regardless of the time of year or season, these are some of my mantel staples.

  1. The best arched mirror from Amazon

  2. Real wax flameless candles that actually flicker!

  3. Heart leaf philodendron - find them cheapest at big box stores.

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Christmas Tree Art: A Memorable Christmas Craft